A concentrated K Humate liquid derived from leonardite

Target: For use as a soil conditioner to improve chemical, physical and biological aspects of soil health.


K-Humate ˃26% (w/w)
Humic acids 12–15% (w/w)
K 14-15% (w/w)
Fe ±220 mg/kg
Appearance Black liquid
pH 11.5-12
SG 1.11 @ 20°C


Fertigation - Orchard crops Apply 50-60 L/ha per annum as 5-10 L/ha per application every four to eight weeks.
Fertigation - Row crops Apply 20-30 L/ha per annum. Apply 5-10 L/ha at planting or every three months.


  • Improves soil structure, water holding capacity and nutrient retention.
  • Stimulates soil microbes, especially fungi.
  • Builds organic matter.
  • Increases CEC, nutrient availability and uptake.
  • Increases the efficacy of applied fertilizers.
  • Reduces nitrogen loss and phosphorous lockdown.
  • Enhances root development.
  • Suitable for application via irrigation systems.
  • Improve crop yield and quality.
  • Use in conjunction with fertilizer applications.
  • Very useful in compacted and saline soils.
  • Apart from the high K and Fe, Humic includes a full range of macro & micro-elements.
  • A leonardite derived humic acid.


t: +260 96 850 0404
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Chris Carver-Brown
t: +260 76 091 7201
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