
Nitrogenated Organo-Mineral Fertilizer With Micro-Nutrients

Nutrients are essential factors and co-factors for optimal plant physiology. Universal is designed to supply plants with a balanced blend of all the essential elements in the right physiologically useable form for plants. Applied at the necessary specific critical growth stages of crops results in optimal plant photosynthesis and yields.

Component %
N 9.61
P 0.67
K 0.22
Cu 0.17
Fe 0.63
Mn 0.11
Mo 0.068
ZN 0.17
B 0.24
Organic Carbon 29
Orgaic Matter 59


  • Balanced nutrition in one product
  • Improved photosynthesis
  • Readily absorbed by plants leaves and roots
  • Improved plant health
  • Improved yeilds
  • Improved Quality


Foliar spray for orchard crops: Deciduous:
1. Petal drop and repeat at fruit set.
2. Fruit swell - Sprays every 4 weeks until ripening.
3. Post-harvest
1. Appearance of flower buds and repeat every 14 days until ripening.
2. Post-harvest

200g/100L water
200g/100L water

200g/100L water
Foliar spray for row crops: Maize: V6 - V8
Wheat / Barley: 4 - 5 leaf stage and repeat at 30% ear appearance.
Canola: appearance of flower stem and repeat at 10% flowering.
Sunflower: 3 - 4 leaf stage and repeat at appearance of flower buds.
Legumes: V3 and repeat at R1 - R3
200g/100L water
Foliar spray for vegetables: Direct seeding: 3 – 4 leaf stage and repeat at appearance of flower buds and then repeat every 4 weeks until harvest is complete.
Transplants: 10 days after transplanting and repeat at appearance of flower buds and then repeat every 4 weeks until harvest is complete.
200g/100L water
Soil and fertigation applications Orchards:
Deciduous trees - apply at bud break.
Evergreen trees – apply at flower bud appearance.
Young trees / vines - apply directly after transplant and repeat every 4 weeks during the growing season.
Row crops and Vegetables: Pre-plant - Apply in furrow or spray onto the surface of the soil and wash in with the irrigation or dose through the irrigation.


t: +260 96 850 0404
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Chris Carver-Brown
t: +260 76 091 7201
e: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.