An 11% Fulvic acid comprised of a mixture of the best soil derived fulvic acids with minerals

Target: For use with all foliar applied sprays and fertigation to improve mineral uptake, soil health and promote optimal root and plant growth.


Fulvic Acids 110 g/Kg
N 2.4 g/Kg
S 19.6 g/Kg
Fe 17.64 g/Kg
Appearance Light brown liquid
pH 2
SG 1.0 @ 20°C


Foliar application - Orchard crops l-2L per ha every month or lL per ha in every spray.
Foliar application - Row crops 2-3L per ha every month or lL per ha in every spray.
Fertigation - Orchard crops SL per ha every month during the growing season.
Fertigation - Row crops SL per ha at plant and every 30 days thereafter.

  • Fulvic is compatible with most chemical remedies but conduct a jug test to be safe.
  • Apply just before the sticker in a spray tank mixing sequence.


  • A natural chelator improving the availability and uptake of micro- nutrients in the soil and on leaves.
  • mproves permeability of cell walls for biochemical transfer.
  • Can improve uptake and efficacy of agricultural chemical remedies.
  • A natural plant & root growth promoter.
  • Helps improve drought stress tolerance.
  • A carbon source enhancing soil microbial life.
  • A natural detox agent aiding in the removal of toxic chemicals in the soil.
  • Has natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties.
  • Soluble in all water pH levels.


t: +260 96 850 0404
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Chris Carver-Brown
t: +260 76 091 7201
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